a jaundiced eye: colophon

"We can tell you how we made it, but then we'll have to kill you..."

a jaundiced eye is brought to you by the magic of various free utilities, including Perl, Apache httpd, and vi(1). I use Color QuickCam for taking pictures, Photoshop for making pictures, and PhotoGIF to make them smaller. I use BBEdit when I can, to test layout ideas, but usually just use my own scripts to handle publishing new articles.

The look and feel of the site owes a lot to the suggestions and criticisms of many folks on the Net, which arrive as email, thanks to Eudora. The handy filters put the comments into a dedicated mailbox, so I don't have to dig through my email to find the really important stuff.

With the exception of the site framework, everything is handled by a set of Perl scripts I wrote to allow publishing via the browser. We don't allow ftp through our firewall, so I had to hack some stuff together that would allow me to publish from the road. I use an email-based notification scheme, so if I want to let other people write articles, I can, while retaining control of the publishing process. It works pretty well, and allows me to preview the submission before publishing. I can also remake the look and feel of the site at a second's notice, due to the extensive use of server side includes. I use cookies to track whether visitors have seen the latest stuff, and let them know when there is something new.

Thanks to the wonderful folks at O'Reilly and Associates for the Nutshell series. I got my start with the Camel book.

Thanks to CupAJoe for fuel, hesketh.com/inc. for hosting services, and to my mother.

And, of course, thanks to Heather.

© 1997-2001 Steven Champeon. All rights reserved.
All slights reversed.